
Showing posts from September, 2020

MIT Consortium looks at race for a vaccine and how fast is too fast?

In their fourth consortium regarding the pandemic, called "Catalyst Conversations" , researchers and scientists today spoke from their respective Zoom locations - including a cool ocean backdrop in England - to weigh in on the future of vaccines. Balancing the need for speed with safety is on everyone's minds these days, and definitely here in the States where President Trump even coined his team's efforts "Operation Warp Speed." While globally, effective vaccines and therapies to control the Covid-19 pandemic are weighing on everyone's minds, the reality is that every race has its cost. Today one of the panelists cited the comparison to an airplane, that "we are trying to build the airplane while flying it" and only later said darkly that there is a reason that of course, no one flies an airplane while it's being buit. Removing competitive barriers to encourage open science around antiviral and vaccine candidates, conjoining data standard